The translations into English are provided to facilitate understanding of the contract and its annexes. They are not legally binding documents and are provided as is. The legally binding documents are the original Finnish documents.

Information for the Exhibitors

Exhibition area address for goods deliveries:

Gradia Jämsä/Joonas Pahkala/FinnMETKO 2024
Company name and stand number
Name and telephone number of company contact person
Metsäoppilaitoksentie 14, FI-42300 Jämsänkoski

Exhibition areas and access:
The demonstration area is located in Kaakkolampi in the immediate vicinity of the main exhibition area. Road signage directs visitors to the area and a car park with signage will be in use during the exhibition.
The harvesting demonstration areas total over 9 ha and they are located to the side of the exhibition area. The trees are mostly rugged pine, which will be thinned during a demonstration, and some are final felling.
Caravan and motor home parking
There is a parking area for caravans and motor homes at Lavakorventie 105. During the exhibition, follow the road signs from Mäntäntie along Lavakorventie. Free FinnMETKO shuttle buses run from the caravan area to the exhibition. Bookings: Antti Olkkonen /
Exhibition office and opening hours:
The exhibition office is located in the museum building between the asphalt field and the demonstration area (please see map, follow signs in the area).
Exhibition office opening hours:
  • Mon 26.8. from 12 noon to 6 pm
  • Tue 27.8. and Wed 28.8. from 9 am to 6 pm
  • exhibition days 29.–31.8. from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm


Announcements are made from the FinnMETKO hall maintenance building.

First aid / Jämsänkoski Finnish Red Cross (SPR)
The FRC first aid areas are located in the FinnMETKO hall’s maintenance building (please see map, follow the signs in the area).
Restaurant, barbecue and pub services
From Monday until Wednesday, i.e., the construction days, you can enjoy meals and coffee in Elonen’s exhibitor restaurant (B) in the main area at the end of the ball field (signs and map). All exhibition restaurants, barbecues and pubs will be open from 9.00am - 5.00pm on exhibition days 29.–31.8.2024. The restaurant services in the area are run by  Elonen Oy, other food stalls by Nordic Gourmet Oy and barbecue and pub services are run by Finnmetko Oy.
Exhibitor restaurant
The exhibitor restaurant is at the end of the ball field. Exhibitors may also use other restaurants and use FinnMETKO food vouchers in all restaurants marked on the maps. The restaurants will be open to exhibitors daily from 9.00am - 5.00pm from Monday 26.8.2024 until Saturday 31.8.2024. Exhibitor restaurants accept FinnMETKO lunch and coffee vouchers as well as cash and credit cards.a

Ordering food and coffee to stands

Exhibitor orders for stand catering:

Elonen advance orders: and orders during the exhibition Rami Virolainen tel.  040 585 8633.

Payment terminals that accept credit cards are available in the restaurants, pubs and some barbecue vendors. There are no ATMs in the area for cash withdrawals.

Construction and transportation of machines to the area:
Some of the furniture for the stands can be brought to the site as early as week 34 and the weekend of 23.–25.8. Please agree on this in advance with a Finnmetko Oy representative. The construction of outdoor stands and transport of machines and equipment can begin in week 34.  The construction of stands on the asphalt fields can begin at 8.00am on Sat 24.8. Indoor stands built by Eventum Lahti Oy will be ready at 8.00am on Mon 26.8.2024. The stands in the FinnMETKO hall will be constructed and equipped by Eventum Lahti Oy in accordance with orders placed by exhibitors.
Fittings and furnishings:
Exhibitors in other areas can also order structures and furniture for their stand from Eventum Lahti Oy: Vesa Kilpinen, tel. +358 40 510 4650 or Jyri Behm,  tel. +358 40 504 2172.
Construction of demonstration site stands:
The construction of demonstration site stands can begin by separate agreement. Please contact Tapio Hirvikoski, tel. +358 40 900 9417. The supervisor, instructor and contact person for harvesting demonstrations will be announced separately.
Freight and transportation in Jämsä:
Jämsä’s goods and freight terminal is located along the road from Tampere to Jyväskylä (highway 9).  There are several transportation companies in Jämsä: Ottelin Oy / tel. +358 400 644 749 email Ottelin, Kuljetusliike Erkki Ojala Oy / tel. +358 14 713 344 email Ojala, Keski-Suomen Kuljetus Oy / tel. +358 201 555 920 email sales KSK ja Kuljetuspalvelut Jukka Köntti Oy / tel. +358 400 927 143 email Köntti.
Exhibitors' service traffic and parking:
Service traffic to stands is permitted to exhibitor card holders outside of exhibition hours.  No separate service traffic cards will be distributed for service traffic. There are also designated parking spaces for exhibitors near the main gate to the main exhibition area (see map) and next to the demonstration area (see map). Exhibitors will be given their own exhibitor cards/stickers for vehicles Service traffic is permitted in the mornings from 6.30am–8.00am and in the evenings from 6.00pm–8.00pm. Vehicles must exit the exhibition area before 8.00am. No service traffic to stands is permitted during exhibition days from 8.00 am–6.00 pm.
Press and media centre:
The press centre is located in the FinnMETKO hall’s maintenance building near the main gate (please see map, follow the signs in the area). Press releases and other material for media can be taken to the press centre from Monday 26.8.2024. Press releases can also be sent in advance on site to the address: ”Tiedotteet”, Gradia Jämsä/ Joonas Pahkala, FinnMETKO 2024 lehdistö, Metsäoppilaitoksentie 14, 42300 Jämsänkoski, FInland. Send a sample of the press release to: Sirpa Heiskanen.
Press day, Wednesday 28.8.2024
A press day will be organised for the media from 11.00am on Wednesday 28.8.2024. After the information event, the media will be able to explore the area with a guide or independently. More information about the press day is available from: Sirpa Heiskanen, tel. +358 40 9009 423.

Exhibitors’ food and drink voucher orders and customer invitation cards

Vouchers are ordered in advance from the booking system using exhibitor credentials. All vouchers (customer invitation cards, food and drink vouchers) will be charged according to the number used (returned).

Please order enough of all kinds of vouchers, as you will only be charged for the number used (this can stay)

Exhibitor card
The card is free of charge and you can order as many as you need for everyone working at the stand. Exhibitor cards grant free admission on all days.
Constructor card 26.–28.8.2024 and 1.–6.9.2024
A free card that can be ordered for constructors on days when stands are constructed and dismantled. Order these cards if the constructors are not the same people as the exhibitors. As such, this card may not be necessary.
Customer invitation card   €17 + 10% VAT
Food and drink vouchers:    Food and drink vouchers include VAT
  • Soup lunch          11 €
  • Lunch                  13 €
  • Special lunch      18 €
  • Coffee (coffee and pastries)    6 €
  • Beer                    8 €
  • Long drink           8 €
Other orders: VAT will be added to orders for electricity, wood chips and forklift trucks 
 Electricity for the indoor stands  Outdoor stands  Demostration site 
1. 220 V/10 A, normal  240 €  420 €  520 €
 2. 380 V/16 A, three-phase power  Not provided  520 €  940 €
 3. 380 V/32 A, three-phase power   Not provided  980 €  1 850 €
 4. 380 V/63 A, three-phase power  Not provided  Not provided  3 650 €

Exhibitors are responsible for internal stand electrical connections, such as for additional sockets. They are also responsible for the functionality of their electrical equipment. It is not permitted to transfer power to other stands.

If you order more than one power supply, you will be invoiced according to the next connection size, e.g. 2 x electricity No. 2 = electricity No. 3. Larger electricity packages (more than 63 A) will be priced in advanced on a case-by-case basis with the exhibitor. All extension leads and electrical products used outside must have a minimum protection level of IP44. Products with a lower protection level will be removed for general electrical safety reasons. Power will be supplied to the rear side of stands, from where the exhibitors will transfer electricity to the necessary places at the stand using their own cables. Jokiwatti Oy is responsible for supplying electricity to the entire exhibition area and for related on-call services, Jarkko Arola

Electricity will be connected to stands from 12 am on Wed 28.8.2024. The electricity will be disconnected at 6 pm on Sat 31.8.2024. Additional electricity supply time must be agreed with Jokiwatti Oy and will be invoiced by use.

During the exhibition, the (24/7) on-call number for electricity issues is +358 400 620 572.

Wood chips delivered to stands:

58 € per loose cubic metre (delivered with a wheel loader, spreading agreed separately, tel. +358 400 333 531 (number in use from 1.8.–30.9.2024).

Lifting/forklift services:        

  • 70 € / less than 30 minutes
  • 95 € / more than 30 minutes, full hours (95 €/h)

Lifting and moving machines will be marked with FinnMETKO signs and the drivers will wear FinnMETKO vests.

Forklift services will be available from 7.00 am–6.00 pm from 26.–28.8.2024, and subject to separate agreement when dismantling the exhibition from 6.00 pm on 31.8.2024.

Lindroosin Sora Oy, tel. +358 400 333 531 (number in use from 1.8.–30.9.2024), email

Exhibition area announcements

  • €70 (max. 10 seconds, 6 repetitions)
  • €100 (max. 50 seconds, 6 repetitions)
  • Orders to Hannakaisa Nyrönen, email, tel. +358 40 727 9385

Delivery of raw wood and stumps to stands for demonstrations:

You can order raw wood such as birch pulpwood in advance from local companies for log splitter demonstrations: Timber harvesting Jouko Salonen tel. 0400 973 987, Antti Olkkonen tel. 040 505 9566, Antti Merisalo tel. 040 569 7085.

If you require stumps for e.g. crushing, please contact Arto Salonen, Jämsän Konetyö Oy, tel.  0400 304 104. email

Storing exhibition goods:

Kuljetusliike Ottelin Oy, Patalahdenkatu 1, 42100 Jämsä, tel. +358 400 644 749 Hannu Ottelin. Enquire directly and agree in advance on the storage of goods that will be sent to the exhibition.

Screens in marquee restaurants:

Screen time can be booked for advertisements. Advertisement material must be submitted by 16.8.2024 to Tapio Hirvikoski or tel. +358 40 900 9417.

  • 8 x less than 20 sec on three days €780 (+VAT)
  • 8 x 20-40 sec on three days €880 (+VAT)
  • 8 x 40-60 sec on three days €980 (+VAT)

Advertising on the area’s structures and in the exhibition area outside your own stand:   

Agree in advance with Tapio Hirvikoski

Flagpoles for stands:    

The organiser will hire out surface-mounted flagpoles that are 6-9 metres tall. The price will include the transportation, erection and removal of the flagpoles. Please send the locations of flagpoles at the stand directly to the Mirva Revontuli
The total price for the period 28.–31.8.2024, erection on 27.–28.8.2024 and removal from 6.00 pm on 31.8.2024 is: €300 + VAT per flagpole. Flagpoles can be booked by emailing Mirva Revontuli

Exhibition website

Website banner visibility for exhibitors is available for purchase, please contact Tapio Hirvikoski

Stand cleaning service and machinery washing:

For enquiries about services and pricing, please contact E. Salminen Oy / Jussi Konttila tel. +358 40 546 1746, and send orders to  Pilvi Konttila. The washing site is in Myllymäki, 1 km away from the exhibition area.

Additional rubbish bins or WC facilities for your stand are available from:    

For enquiries about services and pricing, please contact E. Salminen Oy / Jussi Konttila tel. +358 40 546 1746, and send orders to  Pilvi Konttila.     

Internet and telephone connections:

The exhibition organiser has not arranged an internet connection for the exhibition area.

Contact persons

Finnmetko Oy: sales and marketing

FinnMETKO email: info(at)

  • Tapio Hirvikoski, CEO, Exhibition Manager, tel. +358 40 900 9417
    advertising sales: exhibition guide, Koneyrittäjä magazine, screens, announcements and website
  • Mirva Revontuli, stand sales, bookings and enquiries, tel. +358 40 900 9415
  • Tiina Rajaniemi, announcements, exhibition guide and Koneyrittäjä magazine tel. +358 40 900 9420
  • Sirpa Heiskanen, press and media centre tel. +358 40 900 9423

email adresses: etunimi[dot]sukunimi[at]koneyrittajat[dot]fi

Technical arrangements for the event

  • Tapio Hirvikoski, presentation of area, stands and demonstration sites tel. +358 40 900 9417
  • Joonas Pahkala, contact for GRADIA educational institution tel. +358 549 5959 (August/September 2024)
  • Jyri Behm / Eventum Lahti Oy, indoor stand construction, tel. +358 40 504 2172
  • Juha Jalava / Stopteltat Oy, tent hire and erection, tel. +358 40 350 6565, email Stopteltat
  • Esa Lindroos / Lindroosin Sora Oy (forklift, wood chips) +358 400 333 531 (number in use from 1.8.–30.9.2024), tel. +358 20 730 4040, email Lindroosin Sora
  • Rami Virolainen / Elonen Oy, restaurant, food and coffee orders for stands during exhibition, tel.  040 585 8633
  • Electrical installations Jokiwatti Oy, 24/7 on-call number during exhibition +358 400 620 572, Jarkko Arola
  • Night security, rental alarms S&L Turvapalvelut Oy, email S&L, on-call number 24/7 during the exhibition tel. +358 50 596 0060
  • FinnMETKO-buses, tel. +358 400 494 980, Kimmo Martinmäki
  • Jussi Konttila / E. Salminen Oy, cleaning service and machinery washing tel +358 40 546 1746

Keski-Suomen Koneyrittäjät ry

  • Pasi Mikkonen, public and site safety and security, tel. +358 400 856 393
  • Matti Siikki, traffic arrangements, tel. +358 40 752 4620
  • Keski-Suomen Koneyrittäjät ry: ticket sales, pubs, parking and traffic control Eila Myllyvirta tel. +358 40 543 8081

Management team

More information is available at and the Koneyrittäjä Magazine

Screens in marquee restaurants and exhibition area announcements will be used to implement public safety information in the area.


We reserve the right to make changes and provide further clarification.


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Bauma China


Varmista näkyvyytesi näyttelyn yhteydessä. Ota yhteyttä toimitusjohtaja Tapio Hirvikoskeen , puh 040 9009 417.